GOCではフォニックスが自然に楽しく身に付きます Advantage of learning phonics
フォニックスは、「音とそのつづりの関係」と定義されています。フォニックス指導の目標は、一般的な「音と綴りの関係」を子どもたちに示し、単語を解読または発音できるようにすることです。このデコード機能は、単語を読めるようにするための重要な要素です。 (Scholastic Inc.&Blevins、nd)フォニックスを学ぶことは、Readingと綴りのスキルを向上させるために不可欠です。将来、英語を使いこなし、流暢に話せるようにするためにも必要で、将来の子どもたちのキャリアのためにもなると考えています。日本で英語を話す人口は30%、言語を流暢に話せる人口は2%という統計がありますが(出典:同上)、子どもたちは将来のためにフォニックスのスキルを身に付けて、グローバルな環境で競争力を高めることができると考えています。
ぜひGOCの放課後英語学童クラスの無料体験にお越し下さい。色々なアクティビティを通して、楽しく自然にフォニックスを学ぶことができます。毎週火曜・水曜・木曜に体験会を実施しております。また、平日は忙しい方のために、春の無料体験会を4/17(土)14時半〜、4/24(土)14時半〜に 開催致します。お気軽にご参加下さい。ご予約はこちらからお願いします。
Hello, I am Macrine. What I enjoy most about teaching the kids at Global Oyako Club is witnessing their English language skill improvement over a short period of time. It is very rewarding to see the results and impact we make on the child’s learning. Children It is a joy to work with them all and I continue to learn from my colleagues and students everyday.
New Beginnings, New Learnings
Earlier, this January we started the year off with a lot of enjoyment and study. The students came back from the holidays with plenty of enthusiasm to start the year right. With their lengthy lists of New Year’s Resolutions, there were a variety of goals for each child, but all leading to building new skills. Here in Global Oyako Club, we aim to aid in assisting in building an environment that will allow the children to have friendships with one Another and to teach them the skills of English Communication. One essential way to build vocabulary would be learning how to read. Phonics plays a huge part in this.
The Importance of Phonics
Phonics is defined as “ the relationship between sounds and their spellings. The goal of phonics instruction is to teach students the most common sound-spelling relationships so that they can decode, or sound out, words. This decoding ability is a crucial element in reading success. ”(Scholastic Inc. & Blevins, nd) Learning phonics is essential to improve the children’s reading and spelling skills. Having them better understand or possibly become fluent in the language would be likely for their future career paths. Having only 30 percent of the population who speak English and 2 percent that speak the language fluently, your child would be at an advantage with a unique skill that would assist them to be globally competitive.
At Global Oyako Club we emphasize on the importance of phonics and incorporate it daily in our curriculum. The most effective way to learn phonics is within the class setting, because we allow for an environment that gives opportunity for interaction and communication with English Speakers. Being able to hear, sound and link phonics together is a daily practice at the school. Overtime they will be used to the sound of the phonics and be able to read, spell and speak in English naturally.
As part of the enjoyment of learning English in Global Oyako Club, we activate the kids’ different senses to learn new vocabularies. In this case it is the sense of sight, touch and hearing. Playing games and interacting with the students using games that will help develop their memory of the new words and increase their concentration on learning.
Come join us! Spring is approaching and the new school year is about to start!
Let’s learn English together with lots of fun activities! Come join the lesson anytime and experience what we do for the phonics learning. We always welcome trial students on weekdays. We’ll also have special trial lessons on April 17th and 24th. Please visit the page for more details.
Learning a Second Language: The Earlier, the Better
The Students Are Quickly Improving As Months Pass, It Has Been Seen That The Earlier The Children Start Being Exposed To The Language The More Natural It Would Be For Them To Learn A New Language. ” Research Shows That Learning A Second Language Boosts Problem-Solving , critical-thinking, and listening skills, in addition to improving memory, concentration, and the ability to multitask. Children proficient in other languages also show signs of enhanced creativity and mental flexibility. ”( WHY LEARN LANGUAGES: Early Childhood and Elementary Routine is essential for children of a young age. We would be pleased to announce, we have launched a new service named the “Baby Playroom” Please click this link for more information. Https://globaloyakoclub.com/introduction/ This opportunity allows for newborns to be exposed to English during play, as well as Mothers to interact with one another. This new service helps even the youngest of children start learning a new language at the earliest time possible.
Scholastic Inc. & Blevins, W. (nd). Https://www.scholastic.com/teachers/articles/teaching-content/how-phonics-contributes-reading-success/#:~:text=Phonics%20instruction% 20helps% 20the% 20reader, the% 20easier% 20the% 20reading% 20task.
WHY LEARN LANGUAGES: Early Childhood and Elementary . (Nd). Lead with Languages. Https://www.leadwithlanguages.org/why-learn-languages/early-childhood-elementary/#:~:text=Research%20shows%20that % 20learning% 20a, enhanced% 20creativity% 20and% 20mental% 20flexibility.